
Business as usual is dead: how supply chain enables fair and sustainable business models? – digital event

On June 29, FM Logistic invites you to explore how we could find new ways of cooperating and innovating for positive impact.

On June 30, 2021

It no longer takes an expert to say that the supply chain plays a crucial role in our modern societies. As the pandemic has disrupted the usual and complex flow of goods, it has also emphasized our reliance, as consumers and as businesses, on an agile and resilient supply chain. Whether it acts as a lifeline in times of crisis or the basis for more trivial commercial transactions, the supply chain is at the epicentre of our fast changing world. As it faces the waves of great environmental and social challenges, will it be bold enough to go beyond simple adaptation, creating a truly sustainable supply chain and pioneering meaningful market models? In a world ruled by omnichannel accessibility and immediacy, can it help, through it’s ripple effect, shift to a more viable paradigm and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable business models?

With great power comes great responsibility. The supply chain can be a game-changer in the fight against climate change by minimizing the brands’ carbon footprint. It can initiate responsible consumer trends by designing responsible future-forward models. It can secure better working conditions and create economic opportunities for millions of people. Cooperation will be key for the coming years: by joining forces we can identify solutions that are not only profitable but relevant for all. We can create the conditions for meaningful innovation.

Are you ready to take part in the supply change needed for a more inclusive and sustainable future?

Of course a lot of questions remain on how to achieve this supply change. There are no silver bullet solutions. But the supply chain is at a turning point where it can choose whether it will take the path making ecological and social sense as well as business sense or not. It will take courage, intention, perseverance. It will require new ways of collaborating, maybe working together more closely on a daily basis, accepting to share resources or good practices, daring to consider depending on each other. Whether you are a manufacturer, a supplier, a retailer, a transportation or logistics provider, whether you work in consumer-goods, the industry or health, whether you represent the private or the public sector, you have an essential part to play. We can spread better business practices and ultimately more sustainable ways of living.

The Supply Change Event

On June 29, FM Logistic organized a digital event to explore how the supply chain could be a lever to contribute to global neutrality, how it could keep a human face in the years to come, what is at stake for the future of consumption, and how we could find new ways of cooperating and innovating for positive impact. Together, with the support of Sparknews, Impact pioneer since 2011, we raised with you the right questions to design the right answers.

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