
FM Logistic signs Diversity Charter in Poland

The Polish branch of FM Logistic has signed the Diversity Charter, a commitment to diversity supported by the European Union. This means it commits to promoting diversity…

On January 28, 2022

The Polish branch of FM Logistic has signed the Diversity Charter, a commitment to diversity supported by the European Union. This means it commits to promoting diversity in the workplace and to go beyond anti-discrimination legislation. 

The signature of the Polish Diversity Charter took place on 28 January at the company’s head office in Mszczonów, in the presence of Marzena Strzelczak, president of the Responsible Business Forum. FM Logistic was represented by Blanka Borkowska, HR director Central Europe, Marta Zonik, finance director Central Europe, and Kukka Kujala, chief compliance officer at FM Holding Corporate.

In recent years, FM Logistic has made particular efforts to bolster the position of women in its workforce. Women thus stand for more than half of the company’s 5,000 employees in Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) and 43% globally. 

The Polish Diversity Charter, Karta Różnorodności, has about 270 signatories, including companies such as L’Oréal Polska, Unilever. Carrefour Polska, Henkel Polska, Sephora Polska and Siemens. It was launched in February 2012 by a Polish NGO, the Responsible Business Forum, in cooperation with the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment and the Office of the Polish Human Rights Defender.

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